Monday, February 2, 2009

Guess what we found on our dining room table?

It's time for socks & shoes!  Yes, Beckett has the socks and Cole has the shoes on his hands.  They thought this was very funny.  

The boys have been playing with each other so much lately and it's very fun to watch.  Sometimes Colton will get upset if Beckett walks out of the room and screams "Come back to my room and PLAY WITH ME!!!"  It's not the most enticing command, but sometimes Beckett will return.  

Throughout the day, they will wander from playing in the living & playroom downstairs to Cole & Beckett's rooms upstairs.  (We just added some toys and made Beckett's room a little more play friendly- They like it!)  

What else is new with those boys?  I guess I haven't written much lately, so let's see....

For those of you who might be wondering about Cole's bowel issues....we have some very good news!  For the past few weeks, he has been going EVERYDAY and now feels comfortable enough to tell us he needs to go and then does it.  It's GREAT.  He's not going #2 in the potty, but otherwise potty training is going well.  

Beckett is into everything and climbing on everything.  Recently we caught him standing on the toy chest in the playroom looking precariously over the edge.  Yesterday he was standing on a little chair in the kitchen playing with the keys on our keyrack.  And today he climbed up a chair onto the kids' table and up onto the dining room table.  WHAT? Yes! He was on his hands and knees on the dining room table, playing with some leftover mugs from yesterday's breakfast with the grandparents (Yes, we're behind on dishes, okay?)  So we've decided that we must a keep an eye out for that crazy little Beck.     


Lacey said...

Your boys look so big and grown. What is going on??? Piper crawled up on our table recently too and laughed like a little hyena when I told her "no"! Uh-oh.

Anonymous said...

Your boys are too stinkin cute! I'm glad they play so well together. Makes life a little easier for you!

Anonymous said...

oh my, what fun boys! I think we will have to do more dancing at Sarah's wedding.