Thursday, August 16, 2007

Jenga & Cole

I would say that Cole and I are best friends. Everyday he chases me around with his lawnmower or crazy popper toy and I just run around the kitchen until we both get tired. I usually get tired first so I'll go and hide under the ottoman so he knows to stop. (I'm getting old! In dog years, I'm 28!) We fight sometimes when he hits me or pulls on my tail, but Emma usually breaks up the fight and gets us to be nice to each other. Sometimes I get in trouble though and have to go outside. This morning Cole and Emma brushed me really good because I'm shedding so much- I liked it. Cole likes to lay on me and will never pass up the opportunity to give me a hug or kiss. Sometimes Jon and Emma are jealous because he'll give kisses to me more than them. Last night it was really cute though...As Jon was going upstairs to brush Cole's teeth and put him to bed, he gave Emma a kiss through the stair spindles to say goodnight. He really looks forward to bedtime lately. Even though we're best friends, I'm glad to spend some time without him in the evening with Jon and Emma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the invite to your blog! Cole is so adorable :) I am so glad that we will be able to keep up with you guys now. Maybe we'll see you next weekend when we come to Charlotte. I'll add you to our list of blog buddies (
Talk to you soon!!